Which European Countries Have Banned Smartphones in Schools?
Across Europe, an increasing number of countries are taking steps to restrict or completely banned smartphones in schools. Here’s the push to limit the phone usage due to distractions, declining academic performance and the effects of too much screen time on a kids mental health. Some think of these devices as a way to learn; others argue that taking away these devices makes the school environment a more focused and healthier one.
In 2023, that report from UNESCO stated that smartphones should only be used in classrooms to assist learning. It emerged that over sixty countries around the world have slapped controls on phone use in schools. This shift is being led by European nations with policies from going all the way to partial restrictions to outright bans.
France Leads the Way with Full Restrictions
France has pushed the front end of efforts to limit phone use in schools. Starting from 2018 the country has banned smartphones in primary and secondary schools. For the first time, the government expanded the policy with a ‘digital break’ initiative, which meant the ban stayed in force 200 schools for the whole day. The measure affected 50,000 students and was intended to bury that first law even deeper.
French officials say school phone restrictions help students focus better and promote healthier learning environments. France’s policy has helped to ignite debates in other countries about doing something similar.
Mixed Approaches in the United Kingdom
In the United Kingdom, the conversation around banned smartphones in schools has gained momentum. In fact, earlier this year a Labour MP put forward a bill to control children’s addictive phone use, including to outlaw smartphones in schools. While the agency has not yet made an official policy call for a nationwide ban, it did urge school leaders to put their own phone policies in place.
It seems sensible enough that the UK public should be a little soured on restrictions. An Ipsos survey that was recently conducted found that 70 per cent of adults want measures put in place that would force students to keep their phones in containers while at class. But some experts say these outright bans must be accompanied with alternative educational tools so students don’t cut off their access to helpful digital resources.
The Netherlands and Italy Enforce Strict Policies
January 2024: The Netherlands introduced a Banned Smartphones in Schools. Smartwatches and tablets are also covered under this policy, with the exception of those devices needed by students who have disabilities or special education needs. Forcing people to put down their phones, at least for part of the day, will help people concentrate better, and make them better students. That’s the Dutch government’s thinking.
Italy has also taken to banning mobile phones in their classrooms and even banning phones in the classroom, for educational purposes. But there are exceptions—such as for kids with disabilities or kids with special needs. Italian officials say there’s no place for phones in classroom and underline need to reduce distractions.
Hungary, Spain, and Emerging Restrictions
A nationwide Banned Smartphones in Schools will begin in September 2024 in Hungary. The government said the move was necessary to crack down on disruptions and to improve concentration.
Spain has left the decision to restrict phones in schools up to regional governments. There are about seven regions that have smartphone policies now, with the national education ministry still looking into how they can create a systemwide approach. These are intended to strike a balance between the benefits of digital tools and a need to minimize screen time at school hours.
Other Countries Join the Movement
Several other European countries are following suit with smartphone restrictions:
- Ireland: Spain plans €9m investment to introduce secure storage pouches for phones in schools.
- Sweden: The government is considering tougher steps and there are only mobiles allowed for educational purposes.
- Belgium: Recreational use of smartphones will be banned in schools across Wallonia and Brussels from next academic year, starting 2025/2026.
- Luxembourg: Smartphones will be banned in primary schools from Easter 2025, with high schools limiting in class phone use.